
Wittner Metronome
Wittner key wound metronome models are made in Germany.

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Wittner Taktell Mini Metronomes

Taktell Piccolo Metronome

MT 70
Quartz Metronome

Wittner Standard
Wood & Bell Pendulum

Wittner taktell Classic

Penguin or Cat Metronome
Free Shipping With order of 3 or more metronomes or tuners.
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The metronome doesn’t wait for you to figure out notes, so it can be challenging to play with a metronome in the first stages of learning a new piece. Just like learning your instrument, learning to use a metronome will take time and practice. Almost all music is based on this notion. Because humans rarely play at an exact tempo, the metronome can help you maintain precision and accuracy, while also helping work through tendencies to slow down or speed up in specific passages. There are a variety of metronome exercises that can be used to obtain a fluid sense of rhythm.

Not sure which model you need? There are many models to pick from and it depends what you are using the metronome for. If you need a metronome for music purposes, any model will work well, but there are some with more features than others. Below are a few tips to help you choose a model.

The Wittner Taktell Mini metronome is the smallest keywound metronome available. The Witner Taktel mini metronome is very accurate and will last a long time with proper care. The Taktell Mini Wood model is identical to the plastic, but with a wood case finished in mahogany.
The keywound metronomes with a swinging pendulum let you see the motion of the beat. The bell models will also accent the first beat with a bell sound. The keywound models give the most natural sound of all the metronomes and are very pleasing to the ear. The Taktell Mini is a great metronome for portability, but the sound is louder on the Taktell Piccolo or Standard Models. Using the keywound models is simple and with winding the key about 8 -12 times the sound should last from 20 to 30 minutes.

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Quartz and keywound models are a little easier to use than digital models, as you can dial the tempo quickly with a quartz model - a digital model requires pressing a button till you get to the tempo. - Look at Matrix, Seiko and the Wittner Mt70 for great quartz models at a low price.
Digital Metronomes have many features and will increment the the tempo by one beat at a time. With a digital metronome you can get the tempos 60,61,63,64... etc. Quartz and keywound models use musical tempos to determine the increments.
Need a loud metronome... the loudest are the Wittner Mt70, Matrix Mr600, and Seiko Sq70 are our loudest. Need a very loud metronome -- for chorus, band, orchestra, large groups... look at the MetroAmp packages.
Confused, or not sure which metronome you need - call (800)586-3876 and we will try to help you.

Metronomes For Sale Walmart


The best free online metronome. Tempo (bpm), time signature, lots of rhythm patterns. Mouse, keyboard and touch controls. A metronome is a device that produces regular, repeating sounds at a steady pace, indicated by beats per minute (or BPM). This device has many uses for musicians and is also an essential piece of musical equipment for students and professionals. The metronome is used by some musicians for practice in maintaining a consistent tempo with steady regular beats and it can be used by composers, as an approximate way of specifying the tempo. This is a Software Release that is built using the new Metro interface.